Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Running Record Analysis SIMPLIFIED!

MOST elementary classroom teachers have not had the extensive training necessary to do in-depth analysis. Keep in mind that they also have to teach math, science, and social studies.  We need to be realistic about our expectations of what teachers can accomplish in the limited amount of planning time they are given.  We also need to provide them with easier ways to analyze data.  With that in mind, I created some cards to simplify running record analysis.
Karen Mallard Literacy Coach
As a Reading Specialist, I spend a great deal of time analyzing data, interpreting results, and providing teachers with information and activities to use with their students.  As a trained Reading Recovery Teacher, I had extensive training to analyze running records. This training and experience helps me quickly analyze running records so I can make teaching points instantly.

Once you have scored the accuracy and self-correction rates focus on the errors as they will give you clues on which teaching points to make.

Monitoring is crucial with beginning readers. Show them how to make their finger match and to check the first letter to confirm that they are correct.

My next blog will continue with Running Record Analysis. 
Thanks for reading and for everything you do for your students every day!

Karen Mallard 

If your students are struggling with decoding, check out this Decoding Skills Binder.  My teachers and I have used these activities and they have really helped our students.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Reading Intervention Tips

Howdy Friends,

I've teamed up with my amazing friend 
(and co-creator of our intervention bindersAshley Benoit 
to bring you a post about running records and 
reading intervention.

Where do you begin?

The answer is simple: assessments. 

Teachers must know what areas students 

are struggling with so they can meet their needs 


Once you assess students, use the data to identify those students 
who are at risk. Then, be sure  to monitor their progress 
often. Struggling readers should be assessed at least bi-weekly, 
if not weekly.

After you’ve assessed the student, it’s important to analyze the running record. 
Score the accuracy and self-correction rates so you can determine if the text is at 
their independent, instructional, or frustration level.


A topic that we have been discussing at school recently has been self-correction rates.  Some teachers asked for guidance so I gave them some guidelines.  I also think that if a student has a 1:1 ratio but has more than 5 errors that were self-corrected the child is working way too hard. Analyze the errors and look at the information the student is neglecting.  Is it a weakness in decoding left to right, or a lack of high-frequency word vocabulary?  Address the weakness so the child becomes a more accurate and confident reader.

Self-Correction Rates
1:1 Excellent
1:2 Good
1:3 Fair
1:4 and higher show that the student isn’t monitoring consistently.

Is the student noticing that it doesn’t sound right, make sense, or look right?

Is the student self-correcting with only one source of information and ignoring the others?

The goal is to be flexible and to use all of the cues/information together. (Meaning-pictures, Structure-language, Visual-letters.)

Errors In Reading

Errors in reading are a common issue. It’s important to look for patterns with errors. Are students only having errors with proper nouns? Do they struggle with reading all the way through the word? Think about why you think the student is making the error. This is crucial to figure out how to drive the instruction.
In the primary grades, students sometimes learn a strategy I call “Guess and GO”. These students are looking at the beginning of the word, and guessing on the rest. They do not read through the middle of the word.
Sometimes students will have errors similar to guessing, like this:

Whenever students have these errors, I show them both words. I ask the students if they can see how the words are different and how they are the same. We discuss the meaning of each word  and then use strategies from our intervention binders to help fix it.

In our binders, we've included running record analysis to help you decide which sections you will need. This has been so helpful to so many of our colleagues!

We have intervention binders for Kindergarten through Fourth Grade!